Ontario Invests $1M in Cabinet Maker for Export Excellence



Distinctive Wood Products

Ontario boosts local industry with a $1M+ investment in Distinctive Wood Products, aiming to ramp up production, expand U.S. exports, and generate jobs.

Ontario’s recent initiative is set to invigorate the local economy with a significant financial boost to Distinctive Wood Products, a renowned manufacturer in the kitchen cabinet and accessory sector. This move, involving an investment exceeding $1 million, is aimed at amplifying the company’s production capabilities, expanding its footprint in the U.S. market, and generating new employment opportunities.

Graydon Smith, the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, sheds light on the anticipated outcomes of this investment. It is expected to propel the company’s production capacity by an impressive 40%, while simultaneously catapulting U.S. export sales by nearly 300%. In terms of job creation, the initiative promises to open up nine new positions directly within Distinctive Wood Products. Beyond that, it’s poised to create up to nine additional jobs indirectly, spread across the forest sector’s supply chain.

Smith emphasized the strategic nature of this investment, highlighting its potential to bolster job creation and strengthen the forest sector’s supply chain. This development is not just a win for the Kitchener-Waterloo region but also for the broader Ontario forest sector. Consumers in Canada and the U.S. stand to benefit from this, gaining access to a wider range of top-notch cabinets and accessories.

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The expansion project, valued at a hefty $4.4 million, includes the integration of advanced automated sanding equipment and a state-of-the-art finishing system. These upgrades are pivotal in ensuring the paint on the finished products is hardened, preparing them for the market. This enhancement in production capacity is not just about meeting increased demand; it’s also about minimizing waste and accelerating order fulfillment. The projected outcome is a substantial 56% surge in the company’s revenue.

In a bid to escalate production, Distinctive Wood Products plans to augment its procurement of Ontario-made medium-density fiberboard by 55%. This increase is a boon for various stakeholders in the industry, including harvesting companies, sawmills, and trucking firms. It’s estimated that this move will inject an additional $4.3 million annually into Ontario’s forest supply chain, marking a significant economic upswing for the region.

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